Time passes and we remain unchanged.
“Laziness in virtuous deeds is an evil companion indeed, and love of comfort causes regret greater than any enjoyment. So take heed and tire yourself for yourself”. ~Ibn Jawzi
Laziness in worship, in life and even in love only ever leads to discontent and dissatisfaction.
In the quote above, Ibn Jawzi reminds us to take heed and make use of the limited amount of time we have in this world. How often do we make sure to go over and beyond our spiritual expectations? How often do we pray the sunnah prayers? Read the Quran? Fast Mondays and Thursdays? and give to charity? Time waits for no man; surely the seconds will tick by, and our book of deeds stays waiting.
Let me speak for myself; I can’t expect to deserve the highest rank in Jannah if I am unwilling to give 100% of my energy to perfecting my worship. There’s nothing I love more than comfort. Who loves hardship? But comfort softens us; it makes us less passionate, less adventurous and less daring. By constantly seeking comfort, we risk living our lives from a place of sedation. The rise of technology has only exasperated this issue. I spend hours scrolling through Tik Tok and Instagram and viewing the beautifies of this world through a screen in the dark. I scroll through Twitter and consume half baked ideologies, leading me to become a more judgmental and rigid person. Jumping from screen to screen is not only damaging to the eyes but also the spirit. Allah created this beautiful planet for us to explore, travel and learn. To marvel at its wonders so it may remind us of its creator.
“…Love of comfort causes regret greater than any enjoyment.” How many times have we promised to change, started and restarted again? A hundred day 1’s, only for us to go back and seek the comfort of what we know. If the angel of death was to knock on your door tomorrow, what would we do today? Stand in prayer all night and ask for forgiveness? Tell those we love just how much we love them? Spend more time with our parents? Give to charity? The answer to this question is what we should be doing today and every day.
I speak only for myself, so it’s time I stop seeking perfection, drop the distractions and work on becoming a more spiritual, kind, giving and adventurous person. Someone who lives as if they will die tomorrow.
Alhamdulillah. I am speaking from a place of privilege. To pursue life the way I wish and have my health is a blessing from Allah. May Allah makes us those who take heed and take advantage of our youth, health and Risq. May Allah increase us in wisdom, patient and kindness. May Allah protect us from arrogance, pride and insincere intentions. May Allah make Jannahtul Fardous the final place for us and those we love.